
Cycling can fit into your daily life better than many other forms of exercise because it doubles up as transport to work, the shops, or to school; saving you money, helping the environment, and keeping you fit - all at once! The useful links section on this page has all the resources you need to plan a cycle journey.


Why cycle?

According to Cyclescheme, switching to two wheels instead of four could save you up to £3,000 a year. You’ll avoid the costs of running a car – fuel, insurance, maintenance and more – and you might decide that cycling means you no longer need a gym membership.


Cycling is a low-impact exercise and easier on your joints than running or high impact aerobic activities, according to the NHS. Research has shown that cycling can improve levels of concentration and alertness, more so than driving, as cycling releases endorphins which boost your energy levels.

And if this wasn’t enough, people who cycle in mid-adulthood enjoy a level of fitness equivalent to someone 10 years younger! There is more information on the health benefits of cycling on the Cycling UK website.


Cycle training


If you would like to start cycling, but are not feeling confident you can get free or discounted cycle training, whatever your age. Free cycling is currently available for people living in West Yorkshire, more information can be found here.


You can also increase your confidence by sticking to off-road routes at first (perhaps driving to the start of one of the routes detailed below) and then progressing to routes which require you to mix with traffic.


The following initiatives exist to encourage and support you to cycle:


  • HSBC UK Ride Social lets you organise bike rides or join other peoples’ for free
  • Cycling UK can offer a variety of training and mentoring opportunities to help less experienced cyclists build their confidence to travel on the road network
  • Kirklees Council provides further cycling information, including safe cycle routes, cycling activities and training.


For people who have a disability, cycling can be easier than walking. If a standard bicycle is no right for you, there are a number of styles that can reduce the impact of cycling on different parts of the body, or that are powered by your arms rather than legs. More information can be found on the Wheels for Wellbeing website.


Cycle routes

Crosland Road and many other nearby roads are listed as advisory routes on the West Yorkshire Cycle Map and there are cycle lanes on either side of New Hey Road A640 which provide a connection to Huddersfield City Centre and Huddersfield Station.


In addition, there are a number of recreational cycle routes to the north of the development which provide connections to Routes 66 and 69 of the national cycle network. There is also a Bike Shop on Acre Street, accessible from the site along advisory cycle routes.


Useful Links


 © 2020 Fore Consulting Limited

This website has been produced by the Lindley Moor Meadows Travel Plan Coordinator on behalf of Persimmon Homes